Other bookish fun

“Season of Stories” from Penguin Random House

Today I’m going to tell you about a cool thing!

I don’t even remember how I learned about the cool thing. But I receive many different book-related newsletters in my email, so I’m gonna guess it was from one of them. The cool thing is the “Season of Stories” from Penguin Random House.

Season of Stories

Basically what it is is an email subscription to stories. Every weekday from October 11 to December 30, you will get short stories sent to your inbox. The stories are broken up into parts that get sent out each day so that by the end of the week, you will have read the entire story. I like this a lot because the parts are short enough to be easy to read each day, and it keeps you excited for each new part of the story. The first story is now over, but you can still sign up to receive the rest at any time between now and the end of the year!

This past week’s story was called “Juliet” by Elizabeth McCraken, from her short story collection called Thunderstruck & Other Stories. The collection was actually longlisted for the National Book Award, and because of the Season of Stories, I’m interested in reading the rest of the collection because “Juliet” was really good.

“Juliet” takes place in a public library, which I greatly appreciated because I work in a public library. The little quirks and goings-on of the library were relatable to me. Aside from that, the story is about a murder that happens in town, and I won’t say any more about it in case you want to read it for yourself sometime. It was quite good.

I’m excited to see what they send next, and I will perhaps do a kind-of review post at the end of the “Season” about the experience. I read a serialized novel online earlier this year, and I really enjoyed that experience, so I’m sure I’ll enjoy this one, too!

Let me know if you’ve subscribed to the Season of Stories, what you thought of the first one, or if you plan to subscribe!

10 thoughts on ““Season of Stories” from Penguin Random House”

  1. I haven’t signed up but I think I heard about this in a newsletter too. Probably the Penguin Random House newsletter. I think it’s a cool idea but I have so much to read already and such little time. If only I could get paid to stay home and read what I want.

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