Blogging, Rants & Reflections

Did my relationship replace my blog?? (and P.S. I got engaged!)

Why hello there. How do I start these things, again? Ahem. I would like to talk to you about blogging and relationships. As you may or may not know, in my youth, I was a regular blogger. (And by "in my youth" I mean about 3 years ago, and by "regular" I mean on-the-regular as… Continue reading Did my relationship replace my blog?? (and P.S. I got engaged!)

Blogging, Rants & Reflections

It’s me! Here’s a (MAJOR!) life update and a 2017 wrap-up!

OHEMGEE, HI, BLOG! It's so good to see you! It's been a while. Like, it's snowing on my blog now. I wanted to update you on the big changes in my life and also do a 2017 wrap-up post! Told you I wasn't gone forever! As many of you may remember, I've been working toward… Continue reading It’s me! Here’s a (MAJOR!) life update and a 2017 wrap-up!

Book reviews, Rants & Reflections

So I read a Harlequin romance…

Yes! I read a Harlequin romance! Why? Well, I was required to. But I'm actually very glad I was. Explanation: this summer I took a course in Adult Popular Literature and Reader's Advisory (the librarian term for how to recommend books to people). For the course, we were required to read about 9 novels from… Continue reading So I read a Harlequin romance…

Rants & Reflections

Intensive VS extensive reading: what’s the difference… and which is better?

Ohemgee, a new discussion post! Yaaaaaaaay! So I just finished up what is now one of my favorite classes I've taken in my educational career: Literacy, Reading, and Readers. It is exactly what is sounds like. We discussed a wide range of topics about literacy, including the history of reading, cultural and socioeconomic aspects of… Continue reading Intensive VS extensive reading: what’s the difference… and which is better?

Rants & Reflections

Unicorn Frappuccino: a review

This is a post I wrote on one of my library blogs for work. I though I'd share. Enjoy! I tried Starbucks’ Unicorn Frappuccino today so you don’t have to. First, let me tell you something about myself: I love unicorns. I have unicorn jewelry. I watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Twilight Sparkle… Continue reading Unicorn Frappuccino: a review

Rants & Reflections

On blogging for different audiences

Hey! How's it going? Today, let's discuss what it's like blogging in different contexts! Fun! I have lots of experience blogging in different contexts, and I haven't taken the time to sit down and think about how those contexts have shaped me as a writer. So bear with me as this post (like most of… Continue reading On blogging for different audiences

Rants & Reflections

Book bloggers: Are we too nice?

This post was inspired in part by Puput, whose blog is phenomenal. She just wrote a wonderful post about writing negative/unpopular reviews. Please go read it! I've been thinking of writing about this for a long time now, and now that I'm refreshed after NaBloPoMo, I'm back and ready. Puput mentioned in her post about how… Continue reading Book bloggers: Are we too nice?

Rants & Reflections

It’s day 27 and I’ve reverted to stream of consciousness (and reading updates)

Guys, I'm so over blogging right now that I literally did my HOMEWORK before by blog post today. That's how over NaBloPoMo I am. I don't remember ever feeling this way last year during NaBloPoMo, but I have officially reached the breaking point. I am proud that there are only a few days left and… Continue reading It’s day 27 and I’ve reverted to stream of consciousness (and reading updates)